
Ravioli pistachio sauce

: 4 : 4 min. : medium

Ingredients for the pasta cooking

Ingredients for flavoring

  • 160 g of chopped pistachios
  • 50 g of Parmigiano Reggiano
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 50 gr of breadcrumbs
  • 150 gr of milk
  • 50 gr of EVO oil
  • pepper


Cook the mortadella and pistachio ravioli in boiling water, then prepare a pistachio pesto using pistachio, parmesan, a clove of garlic, salt and milk.

Blend everything until the pesto is thick and fluid. At this point, melt the butter in a pan over moderate heat (25 g of butter for every 100 g of pasta). For flavor you can also add some breadcrumbs.

Once the butter has melted, transfer the ravioli to the pan and add a little pesto and grated Parmesan while cooking.

Finally, plate the ravioli by adding more pesto, pecorino, a little pepper and some lemon zest.

The ravioli are ready, you just have to taste them!

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