
Pasta and potatoes “azzeccata”
- Potatoes: 600 gr
- Pasta mista: 350 gr
- Onion: 1/2
- Carot: 1
- Celery: 1 stick
- Bacon: 100 gr
- Pecorino: 50 gr
- Parmigiano grattugiato: 50 gr
- Cherry tomatoes: 3
- Olive oil j.e.
- Black pepper j.e.
- Salt: j.e.
Wash and peel the potatoes, then cut them into chunks.
In a saucepan on the stove, fry the chopped celery, carrot and onion in a little olive oil, together with the pancetta.
Add the potatoes and halved cherry tomatoes.
Cover everything with water and salt and pepper. When the sauce starts to boil, wait a few minutes and then add the pasta. Stir with a wooden spoon to prevent the pasta from sticking to the bottom of the pan and add water, if necessary, until cooking is complete. In case it gets too dry, add a little more water and let it absorb. A few minutes before turning off the heat, add some small pieces of Parmesan rind, and the grated Parmesan together with the pecorino, which will melt giving more flavor to the dish. Finish cooking when the pasta is cooked and well blended, almost dry. Serve the pasta and potatoes with a sprinkling of grated Parmesan and pepper.